Friday, July 22, 2011

Mothering Moments - Nappies

I do love cloth nappies :-) I do love seeing babies wearing a cloth nappy also :-)  Especially when they are walking :-)

It has been a struggle in my household to use cloth nappies full time mainly because I did not set myself up properly in the beginning.  I did a little bit of research in the form of lurking about forums- one particular forum actually..  have a look here .  I know that there is plenty of information available online but when I was pregnant with Eliza I came across the above mentioned website and forum.  I found it useful, welcoming and I found that I had similar values to those contributing.  I can often still be found lurking about :-) 

I have been using a combination of disposable and cloth nappies since Eliza's birth and my goal in what are her final years of nappywearing is to provide her with a comfortable and healthy nappy wearing experience along with any other little bambinos who come into this world via Dru and I.  There is an endless list of pros and cons for cloth vs disposable nappies.  This is one site which focuses mainly on the cost.  There are other factors including the environment and chemicals and nasties particularly Sodium Polyacrylate Crystals.  There are others .  I personally love cloth nappies as they are a healthier and more economical choice.    

Back to the nappies....  In recent times I have made a more serious commitment to using cloth nappies full time.  I believe there are far more pros then cons in using cloth nappies.  Currently our stash is a mixed bag. 

There are 2 Eenee Weenees.  I found these in a second hand store.  They are newborn size.  So they are kept in the stash for when we will need them again :-)  

We have 20 fitted terry towelling/flannelette nappies- these require an additional cover.  I guess you could say, these are a more modern version of the classic terry square.  They are the same shape as a disposeable with velcro fastenings.  I bought these from Ebay as seconds for a great price.  They require a waterproof cover.  I liked these nappies however I experienced issues with these as Eliza grew.  I will use them again for the early days of the next little one probably until crawling happens.  In the past I have used fleece covers and I was given a cute woolen soaker by a dear friend.  Woolen soakers are the driving force in me wanting to learn how to knit.  I have 2 polyurethane laminate (PUL) covers on the way.  I can't wait for them to arrive!! 

PUL is a fabric used in modern cloth nappies which allows for water proofing and it is breathable.  I must admit, I was apprehensive about this fabric when I began reading about nappies.  It's ok :-) it's a whole darn lot better than using those PVC numbers.  Which don't breathe and can cause all sorts of bottom troubles for little ones.     

We also have 13 functioning Pea pods.   I have 15 outers with no inserts but I'll soon fix that.  I managed to get a lot second had at a fraction of the price brand new.  The nappy itself is made up of a fleecy lining with a PUL waterproof outer with a pocket for a bamboo insert and booster for maximum absorption.  These nappies have little snappy clips for fastening which are a luxury and so easy to use.  Being two separate pieces they dry super quick.  So far we haven't had any issues with these however, I have a hunch that once Eliza grows a little more these nappies may not be able to hold as much liquid as the others even with a microfibre booster added.           

Our most recent purchase has been 6 Baby Beehinds All-In-Ones (AIO) and 6 Baby Beehinds Hemp Nappies.  I am very happy with these nappies and will be purchasing more once our budget permits.  Thwe AIO are great to use and super absorbent however, they take some time to dry.  The Hemp Nappies require a waterproof cover.  These nappies are absorbent, dry quickly and are a breeze to use.  They also have this lovely rainbow overlocked finish which finishes them perfectly.  

So, in having a mixed collection I have come to develop a routine which enables us to use cloth full time.  Storages is another issue- let's not talk about that ;-D  The nappies which are quick dying are used earlier in the week and those which take longer are used later in the week.  I wash every second day and have chosen to dry pail which works a charm.  Saves water and avoids the risk of the inquisitive toddler falling into a bucket of water.  Once a week I like to spray my nappy bucket with a mixture of vinegar and eucalyptus and wipe it clean and deodorise it at the same time.   

It has taken me a while to get myself this routine and I must say, I feel pretty good about it.  Chuffed actually!!!!  

Thank you for stopping by. 


1 comment:

  1. Ooo you are addicted! Cloth nappies are very addictive, I love the little blue and white gingham one at the front there - too cute. I love a little tooshie!
