Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our girls

I really love this photo!!!! 

Sisters :-)

I think about my own sisters when I look at this photo.  It takes me back to when we were all little and would play for hours together getting up to all sorts of mischief, adventuring and exploring our world together. 


Monday, June 27, 2011

Meet Bonnie

I would like to introduce you to the newest addition to our family.  On my daily errands last Friday, whilst collecting the chicken feed from our local produce store, I noticed this lovely little bird still did not have a home.  I met her 2 weeks prior when collecting chicken feed.  She stood out to me then however I was apprehensive about purchasing her as we do not want another rooster.  I know that it is possible that she may not be a hen as Silkies cannot be sexed until 4-5 months when the signs of sex begin to become more apparent but my gut and her behavious have lead me to believe that she is a hen. 

She is the quietest chicken I have ever brought home.  I am tempted to keep her as my housepet.


Friday, June 17, 2011


There is currently something malfunctioning in my settings which is not allowing me to comment you lovely folk back when you comment.  I am not sure when this will be resolved but rest assured that I am grateful for your viewing and participation :-)



Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I am struggling.... I need a teacher to get me started .  No video is going to get me there unfortunately :-(


Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Well, since returning to paid work my time at home to me has been precious.  Lately, our weekends have involved spending the majority of at least Saturday or Sunday out of the house which to be honest, drives me crazy!!!!

Although this week sees us in somewhat of a quarantine situation, I feel rather relieved to be at home.  Before returning to paid work I was feeling a void that I wanted to fill outside of the home.  I felt as though I needed to keep my own professional skills up to date and contribute financially to my household.  The building industry has suffered with the recent wet season and well, rather than stressing about the issue I decided it was time for me to take serious action and return to work.  I was incredibly lucky, calling my former boss and having my old job reoffered- it was meant to be.  I truly love my work and feel at home when I am in that role.  I am  Mental Health Outreach Worker.   

Here are some pictures which really capture where I am in my life at present

Maaa,  I want spaghetti for breakfast!!

I look like my Daddy!!

Strike a pose.... It would seem that Evie does not like having her pic taken these days...


Bread that I bake in the breadmaker.  I am enjoying this appliance very much.  I love that I can have my own bread made at home.  It is such a staple in our home and the quality of the stuff off the shelf is so questionable that it seems a neccesity to have it made at home.  I use a very basic recipe- flour, water, yeast.  Sometimes I add butter, milk or egg just to experiment with flavours and consistency.  I have been using spelt flour of late which I really enjoy.  I also add pepitas and oats.  I am going to try adding quinoa this week.

Here's a sweet potato I found in my vegetable basket.  I would like to plant it at the bottom of the chicken coop. 

Where all the action happens!!!!

This is what our freezer looks like these days.  There is plenty of home cooked goodness on hand :-)  Pumpkin soup, lamb pot stew, potato and leek soup and minestrone. Ice cream!!!

Music keeps me going.  I haven't picked up my guitar in months.  I hope that I can find the inspration soon.  This is Dru's guitar in the front of the shot.  Mine can be seen in the distance. 

Family meeting space

Evie persuing a craft subject of a different area of interest.  This one does not involve scissors and glue :-)  It will be a wicked rainbow scarf :-)  

Vegetables- Winter crop :-) Fingers crossed. 


Monday, June 6, 2011

Meet Marilyn's Babies

Now I realise that this not the best photography on my behalf .....  I can't seem to get a great shot.... They move too quickly.  This photo is was taken about 2 weeks ago.  They chicks have grown somewhat and are beginning to get their new feathers now.  It has been rather therapeutic watching them go about their business in the backyard.  They chirp and flap about at one another and up onto the oudoor furniture like little pioneers exploring the new land.  We are still unable to determine their sex, that will become more apparent in the next 6 weeks I am sure.  Here's to some lovely little ladies :-) Fingers Crossed!!! There is so much to learn from animals.  Marilyn is just such a nurturing mother.  The way she shows them the food and offers them the scraps before having any herself.  The way she sits in the welcoming position- she sits in such a way which invites the chicks in to nurse under her wings.  I am left wandering where they have gone sometimes only to notice a little beak protruding from Marilyn's feathers.  It's truly special witnessing these little chicks growing up with their mother.  We've never been a part of a hatching at home.  In the past we've bought our chicks as Day Olds from the produce store and then kept them warm indoors under a lamp.  I am not sure how comfortable I feel about doing this in the future...???

This week sees me at home with my little ladies.  Evie has the chicken pox and is unable to return to school until Thursday at the earliest- no earlier than 5 days after the rash appears and after the blisters are broken and the last one to appeared has formed a scab.  It would seem that the tiredness and onslaught of the virus have passed and now we are into the boredom phase.  What to do??  Mum, I am bored!!!  Tantrums and the like.  Mum, I want to go to school!!!  Hmmm.....  Sickness is such a difficult time whether one is 5, 15, 55.  Still no spots on Eliza...... 

Seeing as I am at home nursing my girls I have decided that I will finish one of the  projects cut out in my sewing box and pick up the needles and begin to learn how to knit.  I found a Getting Started DVD in my stash so I figure it's about time.  Also, Dru's mum, Joy, whom we refer to as Mardy, gave me bag loads of wool and a collection of needles that she picked up at a garage sale.  It is full of goodies.  I have been eyeing it off for so long and I am so desperate to learn.  There isn't really any reason why I shouldn't :-)

One day I hope to have alpacas!! :-)


Sunday, June 5, 2011


I am not sure whether this is real word but for now we will just agree to disagree, right?

It has become rather apparent that I am in need of firestarting skills :-) Although it is not terribly cold yet we have been enjoying our fireplace in its active state.  I love a fireplace whether there are flames or not!!! The fireplace is what Dru was attracted to in this place :-) For the record, he is an amazing firestarter!!!  It seems effortless to him.  He smoothly builds the kindling, twigs and logs and... voila!!!  We are warm and cozy.  I know that there is a method however I am still to suceed using this method.  I follow this process and my fires kark it soon after they have been lit.  Tonight I have paid special attention to Dru's hard work and I am determined to make it happen of my own accord tomorrow.

Here's to sucessful firestarting!!!


Mekaela xo

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Parenthood and paid work = busy  :-) I know there are a lot of people who partake in a this type of lifestyle and I can't help but want to ask how and why we have gotten to this point that we are existing like this.  Choosing and conditioning ourselves to this prescription of life ? It is a question that many ask themselves daily, I'm sure? Ah existential battles....

Since returning to work things have been up in the air and I am looking forward to establishing stability.
Currently our house is experiencing a bout of the Chicken Pox which has been relatively mild.  Little Evie is covered in spots and is so brave, trying her hardest not to scratch.  We have used Calamine Lotion topically when she experiences itchy times.  Eliza hasn't shown any symptoms as yet however it is likely that she will experience them in the week to come.  I've recently started the girls on a daily dose of Olive Leaf Extract with hopes this would boost their immunity during the impending Winter Season.  Last year was a shocker for viruses and cooties all 'round....  Here's to Health!!!!!  Clink!!! 

Marilyn, our Silkie x Frizzle girl hatched 2 chicks, 6/05/2011.  They are adorable and she is a nurturing, sweet mamma hen.  Here's hoping they are hens!! Pics soon :-) 

Our vegetable garden is beginning to produce also... Broccoli! Kale! Parsley! Cucumber! Woohoo!!!  I planted a heap of seedlings just before Easter however the chickens had a party while we were away and scratched the majority of them  out.  Hello scissors!!!  Chicken had their wings clipped and the garden remained in tact.  A couple of weeks later I discovered the herbs were being eaten to the ground...What a huge grub!!  That's what I thought, then one Saturday morning I caught 3 guinea pigs red toothed...munching!!!!!  Ah chickens, now guinea pigs!!!! I watched them and encouraged them to exit...Who knows how long they'd been feasting ???  I taught them.  I blocked their stealth entry ways.

