Parenthood and paid work = busy :-) I know there are a lot of people who partake in a this type of lifestyle and I can't help but want to ask how and why we have gotten to this point that we are existing like this. Choosing and conditioning ourselves to this prescription of life ? It is a question that many ask themselves daily, I'm sure? Ah existential battles....
Since returning to work things have been up in the air and I am looking forward to establishing stability.
Currently our house is experiencing a bout of the Chicken Pox which has been relatively mild. Little Evie is covered in spots and is so brave, trying her hardest not to scratch. We have used Calamine Lotion topically when she experiences itchy times. Eliza hasn't shown any symptoms as yet however it is likely that she will experience them in the week to come. I've recently started the girls on a daily dose of Olive Leaf Extract with hopes this would boost their immunity during the impending Winter Season. Last year was a shocker for viruses and cooties all 'round.... Here's to Health!!!!! Clink!!!
Marilyn, our Silkie x Frizzle girl hatched 2 chicks, 6/05/2011. They are adorable and she is a nurturing, sweet mamma hen. Here's hoping they are hens!! Pics soon :-)
Our vegetable garden is beginning to produce also... Broccoli! Kale! Parsley! Cucumber! Woohoo!!! I planted a heap of seedlings just before Easter however the chickens had a party while we were away and scratched the majority of them out. Hello scissors!!! Chicken had their wings clipped and the garden remained in tact. A couple of weeks later I discovered the herbs were being eaten to the ground...What a huge grub!! That's what I thought, then one Saturday morning I caught 3 guinea pigs red toothed...munching!!!!! Ah chickens, now guinea pigs!!!! I watched them and encouraged them to exit...Who knows how long they'd been feasting ??? I taught them. I blocked their stealth entry ways.